Everyone hates spam.
Don't create misleading descriptions, unfilitering titles or anything related to increase points or views.
It's NEVER okay to post large amounts of untargeted, unwanted or repetitive content, including comments and private messages.
Harmful or dangerous content
Don't post videos that encourage others to do thingsthat might cause them to get badly hurt.
Posts showing such harmful or dangerous acts mayget privated, deleted or even
can get your account temporarily locked, depending on their severity.
Harassment and cyberbullying
It’s not ok to post abusive videos, comments and comments on Vinedust. If harassment crosses the line into a malicious attack it canbe reported and may be removed. In other cases, users may be mildly annoying or petty and should be ignored.
Freedom of Speech
Despide harrasment and cyberbullying/bullying, however we fully support Freedom of Speech. It's perfectly fine to take your own reviews, critizism, support or anything related. It's also fine to point the individual of the wrong doings, which is critizism, it has to be in private, if it's not really that much of a private issue, then it's legal. But there is not okay if you go out of your way and attack the other individual for their wrong doings. If they've attacked you in anyway, please report us or the adiminstrators of the website.
Things like predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, intimidation, invading privacy, revealing other people's personal information, and inciting others to commit violent acts or to violate our rules are taken very seriously.
If someone has posted your personal information or uploaded a video of you without your consent, you can request removal of content based on our Privacy Guidelines.
Accounts that are established to impersonateanother channel or
individual may be removed under our impersonation policy.
If you have any ideas or submissions than
you can email us at [email protected]